In an effort to make the experience as close to face to face life coaching as possible, I require the same paperwork and the same life coaching “hour” as face to face therapy. Occasionally if it is called for, I will make a shorter or longer appointment, but never the first or initial interview. 1/2 hour get acquainted phone sessions are free. To make the most of this and to screen for appropriateness, all paperwork must be completed prior to the free phone call. Call or e-mail to schedule.
The procedure for setting up a telephone appointment:
- Download, read, and complete forms and send to address listed at the top of forms. They can be e-mailed ( These must be received before the session but not necessarily before an appointment has been set.
- E-mail or call (928) 453-5626 for an appointment time. Skype is preferable to phone if you have the capability. The following time slots are available, in my time zone which is Mountain Time November through April and Central Time May through October
Monday through Friday:
- Pay for your session prior to the appointment using your credit card and via phone to Pamela
- Talk with the counselor for the 45 minute time slot. The counselor will call you. If you are a couple or family, be sure you have working speaker phones or a line available for each person. (Be sure to read the policy for appointments cancelled on your Informed Consent)
- Receive an e-mail recap of the session (this is usually a full page single spaced in Microsoft word) with homework and other suggestions within a day or two of the session. The preparation of this completes the therapy hour.
- Schedule your next appointment.