Anxiety / Panic
Attachment Disorder
Bereavement / Grief
Co-Parenting / Step Families
Couples / Relationship
Premarital / Engagement
Telephone CoachingA simple process of downloading "forms" from the tab at the top and e-mailing them to will qualify you to have a one hour coaching session for $60 with a follow up e-mail summarizing the coaching session.  Or try the 1/2 hour "get acquainted" session for free.
Premarital / Engagement Counseling

With over half of first marriages ending in divorce, premarital counseling is the best way to assure that you are going in to your marriage with your eyes wide open. In the frenzy of planning a wedding couples often forget that they are preparing for a lifetime commitment and that they should spend as much time talking about that as they do talking about wedding plans.

The intoxication of new love may make it impossible to imagine problems arising. But we are not our true selves during this intense period and the very thing that couples adore in each other is often a source if irritation when I see the couple years later in couples counseling. By then some habits have become entrenched and are harder to change. Our models for marriage are the people we grew up with, our parents. If that relationship didn’t provide us with the kind of marriage we want to emulate then we need to be educated.

I offer sessions in 6 topic areas:

  • Financial matters
  • Household tasks and gender responsibilities
  • Family loyalties and expectations
  • Children--whether or not to have children and philosophy of raising children
  • Sexual issues
  • Friends, interests and jealousy
  • Spirituality and values. 

Click Here to see the Financial Worksheet, an example of the kinds of work that couples do to complete their premarital counseling.

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